The Dhaka Times
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He walked around wearing 13 kg of gold ornaments!

Tran, 32, lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

The Dhaka Times Desk In words - 'Love is taken away'! Indeed, there is no end to human love. There is no point in walking around wearing gold jewelery only if you have money. But this person is doing just that. He walked around wearing 13 kg of gold ornaments!

১৩ কেজি ওজনের স্বর্ণালঙ্কার পরে ঘুরে বেড়ান তিনি! 1

We know women are attracted to gold ornaments. But it's never heard of a boy being instinctive before. But this time it was heard. One man is so fond of gold jewelery that he walks around wearing 13kg gold jewellery!

One such man was found who lives in Vietnam. Tran Nuk Pook is one such man who outshines many women in gold jewelry. Currently she wears a total of 13 kg of gold ornaments.

Tran, 32, lives in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He is an oil trader by profession. He went to an astrologer once 5 years ago. The astrologer told him that if he uses gold ornaments, his fortune will be very good. Basically, since then, his use of gold ornaments has started.

But surprisingly, the astrologer did not ask her to wear so many gold ornaments. Tran himself thinks that the more ornaments he wears, the better his luck will be!

Tran started wearing a gold chain weighing 5 kg, a bracelet weighing 5 kg and 10 rings weighing 500 grams each. In total, the weight of his ornaments is currently 13 kg!

Tran wears this ornament wherever he goes. His 5 bodyguards are engaged in guarding these ornaments. This month, the matter came to public attention when several pictures of Taran went viral on social media.

And then the discussion about him started, writing about him started in the online media. Surprised, many people question how a person is living a normal life wearing so much gold ornaments. Some have also called it fake jewelry. But Tran's clear answer, let him think what he likes, what does it matter to me. I will continue as I am.

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