The Dhaka Times Desk After the age of mobiles, new mobiles are coming day by day. But this time the mobile phone that has come up is of amazing price. A smartphone worth thousands of rupees!
Nowadays, the issue of using expensive mobile phones has become quite a challenge. Competition has started as to who can use the most expensive mobile phone. Now we heard about such an expensive smartphone. The price of that smartphone is thousands of rupees! What is possible? It may seem surprising to hear but the fact is true. Smartphone worth thousands of rupees!
We get happy when we get iPhone or any good smartphone. But some people also use mobile phones worth thousands of crores of rupees for their happiness.
According to media reports, the most expensive smartphone in the world was made by the popular and expensive mobile phone manufacturer 'Apple'. Not today, in 2014, the company created the world's most expensive mobile phone.
Apple's 'iPhone' band produced the 'Falcone Supernova iPhone-6 Pink Diamond'. The market value of which was estimated at 110.5 million dollars! Which is about 1 thousand crores in current Bangladeshi Taka.
However, Apple later reduced the price of this phone. Later this phone was sold for 48.5 million dollars or about 500 crores in Bangladeshi taka. However, the Apple authorities have stopped making this phone since about 1 year ago.
It is known that only 200 sets of this 'Falcon Supernova iPhone-6 Pink Diamond' phone were made. Those interested in buying this phone had to place an order with Apple in advance. The phone was made to order at Apple's factory.
The world's most expensive smartphone has 24 carat gold. This phone is decorated with rose gold. Platinum has been used again in the body of the phone.
It is known that Nita Ambani, the wife of India's richest industrialist Mukesh Ambani, uses this phone, it was reported long ago in the media. But this is a rumor.
It was done on behalf of Mukesh Ambani, Nita Ambani or any of their family members who use such phones.