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'US will suffer the consequences of Soviet forces'

US troops are already in a 'humiliating' situation. They can also 'learn to learn' from the experience of their Cold War rivals

The Dhaka Times Desk The Taliban believe that if the US troops do not withdraw from war-torn Afghanistan, they too will have to suffer the consequences of the former Soviet Union.

‘সোভিয়েত বাহিনীর পরিণতি ভোগ করবে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র’ 1

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a statement that US troops were already in a "humiliating" situation. They can also 'learn to learn' from the experience of their Cold War rivals.

"Learn from the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and never again dare to undermine the bravery and valor that the Afghan people have already shown," the statement added.

It should be noted that the former Soviet Union was finally forced to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan in 1989 after occupying Afghanistan for almost a decade. The occupation led to a civil war in Afghanistan, which resulted in the rise of the Taliban and other militant groups in that country.

The US government also blamed the international terrorist network Al-Qaeda for the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001.

The United States urged the then Taliban government of Afghanistan to hand over Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, who had taken refuge in Afghanistan, to Washington. However, when the Taliban government did not respond to it, the US forces invaded Afghanistan at the end of 2001 and occupied Afghanistan. That occupation still exists.

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