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Can you take organic lenses instead of glasses?

As people age, a condition called 'presbyopia' occurs

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that with the age of people, eyesight also gets weaker. Because of which many problems arise. Artificial organic lenses have been developed to solve this problem. Learn how it actually works.

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European scientists are working to solve this problem. They have already developed synthetic organic lenses to solve the problem. It remains to be seen how much this lens will play a role in solving the problem.

Doctors say that as people age, a condition called 'presbyopia' occurs. Then the lens of the eye gradually hardens, making it difficult to see everything.

Although scientists do not yet fully understand the process, it is roughly understood that this happens because the lens loses its flexibility and ability to focus according to distance.

Maria Jesus Blanco Montes, one of the victims, said, 'Since the age of 40, my eyesight has been deteriorating. Especially near objects were very difficult to see. I never wanted to wear glasses. Therefore, I have sought a solution to the problem through treatment in this hospital.'

Eye surgeons at these hospitals can replace the hardened crystalline lens of the human eye with an artificial or multifocal lens. Then distant and near objects are clearly seen.

According to media reports, this idea is great, but this multifocal lens is still not completely perfected. Ignacio Jimenez-Alfaro Morote of the Jimenez-Díaz Hospital says, 'There is a need to find solutions for presbyopia that can closely mimic the behavior of the human crystalline lens.

Basically, the lens we are implanting can make it easier to see near, intermediate and distant objects, but cannot exactly mimic its real process.

According to a European research project, scientists have discovered some equipment to solve this problem, with the help of which the organic implant is able to change its shape in the normal process.

Project researcher Susana Markos said, 'We strongly believe that the accommodative lens is going to be the lens of the future, because it is able to mimic the ability of the crystalline lens of the human eye.'

With the help of this laser device, the surgeon can select the most suitable lens from the available options at that moment after examining the inner structure of the eye.

Susana Marcos added, 'We are even thinking of creating personalized intraocular lenses, which can be designed according to the specific needs of each patient based on the data collected.'

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