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Iraq's historic Hossein Mosque

This historic mosque is located in the city of Karbala, Iraq

Hundreds of Shi'a Muslims gather around the Husayn Mosque in Karbala after making the Pilgrimage on foot during Arba'een. Arba'een is a forty day period that commemorates the martyrdom of Husayn bin Ali, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, and seventy-two of his followers at the Battle of Karbala in the year 680AD.

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 4th January 2019 AD, 21 Paush 1425 BENGABD, 26 Rabius Suni 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

ইরাকের ঐতিহাসিক হোসাইন মসজিদ 1

The picture you are looking at is Hossain Mosque. It is a historical mosque. This beautiful mosque is located in Iraq.

This historic mosque is located in the city of Karbala, Iraq. This mosque was first built in 680 AD.

Source: Courtesy of

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