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Breath test can detect cancer!

Doctors can determine early on whether the patient needs more detailed testing

The Dhaka Times Desk Medical science is constantly advancing. Now such a technology has been discovered that can detect cancer by testing the breath!

নি:শ্বাস পরীক্ষা করে শনাক্ত করা যাবে ক্যান্সার! 1

Doctors have now discovered a new method that can detect cancer only by examining the breath. This new invention is still in its infancy. Its effectiveness is being tested experimentally by the concerned experts.

In an experiment, cancer researchers from Cambridge, UK wanted to see if it was possible to detect early signs of certain types of cancer by simply examining breath patterns.

If this procedure is successful, doctors can determine early on whether the patient needs further testing.

Researchers will therefore collect breath samples from 1500 people, including cancer patients. In addition to breath, a person's blood and urine tests can also detect early stages of cancer.

Due to which the death rate of cancer sufferers will decrease a lot. But to know the result of this test, one has to wait at least 2 years. Doctors say the test is unlikely to take place in a common place like a general physician.

How will this test work?

It has been said that when any bio-chemical change occurs in any cell of the human body, it releases a type of substance called volatile organic compounds in the breath.

But if there is a hint of cancer or some other disease, the cells change their normal pattern and form a different type of bone. Again, smell sends different messages to the brain.

The research team is trying to identify this mechanism of mouth odor by examining the breath by performing breath biopsies.

How likely is this test to be successful?

This newly discovered method is just beginning to be tested. That's why we have to wait a few years to say anything about its success - said the experts.

But the method by which this test is being done is not new in the world of medical science. For years, many researchers around the world have been using it to detect early signs of lung cancer in particular. Already some progress has been seen in detecting the earlier stages of cancer through breath tests, experts said.

Who was tested?

A subset of people who have already had stomach cancer that has spread to the prostate, kidney, bladder, liver and pancreas have participated in the trial. Besides these, healthy and normal people are participating in this research.

Doctors at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge asked patients to give a breath sample for 10 minutes into a mask, so that it could be used in research. Researchers say that the earlier cancer is detected, the better, and treatment can be started much earlier.

What will reduce the cost of cancer treatment as a result of this discovery?

In a sense, the cost of cancer treatment will be reduced. The reason is that if there is a hint of cancer in someone's body, if it can be identified in advance, then it is possible to start treatment very quickly. There is no doubt that the cost will also come down.

If cancer can be detected with just one very simple test, it will save on costs in later stages.

According to a BBC report, earlier that is, last year, a team at John Hopkins University developed a method to detect and treat various types of cancer through a blood test.

However, the test costs about 500 dollars. However, it is believed that the cost of this test will be less compared to that, but no details have been given about this.

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