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If you forget your wife's birthday, the story of divorce is such a strange country!

Do you forget your wife's birthday every year?

The Dhaka Times Desk There are really many strange strange countries in the world. One has to be surprised to hear about all the strange cases of those countries. There is a story of a country today, in which the wife forgets the birthday of divorce!

স্ত্রীর জন্মদিন ভুললেই ডিভোর্স এমন এক আজব দেশের গল্প! 1

There are several countries in the world that have strange phenomena or laws. One such strange incident is divorce if the wife forgets her birthday. We all know that a husband and wife live under the same roof all their lives. So the decision of not being able to live together is not an easy thing in the whole world. Not only mind, there are various rules or laws spread all over the world about this marriage and divorce. We all have to wonder when we hear about these laws.

For example, 26 US states have laws that allow cousins to marry if they are romantically involved. But in that case can not be conceived again! Those provinces have restrictions on childbearing between cousins to prevent genetic defects and physical problems in the next generation.

For example, the rule of marrying dead people by recognizing them as husband or wife is in force in France. But in that case the permission of the President of the country must be taken. Not only this, you also have to prove that the deceased loved you and wanted to marry you or that you were supposed to marry him.

Again it appears that the partner is stupid. Is this enough for divorce? If you are a resident of the US state of Mississippi, you can get a divorce very easily if you can prove to the court the signs of extreme stupidity of the husband or wife.

A husband can leave his wife if he provides her with a year's supply of dried beans, dried apples, meat and wool. Here are some steps you need to take to get a divorce in Tennessee, USA.

Now let's get to the point, forget your wife's birthday every year? You are not a resident of the Oceania state of Samoa! If you forget your wife's birthday, your wife would get the right to file for divorce! However, if the wife forgets her husband's birthday, such a rule will not apply!

In the Philippines, marriage is a very important institution. Hence divorce is not allowed there, even though separate buses are allowed in some areas, complete divorce is not at all acceptable in the country.

Fight with your wife whenever you want. But there are no weddings in Colorado on Sundays. If the wife thinks, she can take legal action against the husband for quarreling with her even on Sunday. That husband may be jailed!

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