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A car that can walk!

They presented this special car called 'Elevate' at the CES Technology Show in Las Vegas, USA.

The Dhaka Times Desk New inventions are gradually increasing our quality of life. Now heard about a car that can walk! This discovered car has surprised everyone.

এমন এক গাড়ি যা হাঁটতেও পারে! 1

New inventions are gradually increasing our quality of life. As the days go by, new discoveries are coming up in front of us. In this way, new discoveries are taking us forward. As it was heard about a new type of car. As soon as the flying car race came up, it is a car that can walk! This discovered car has surprised everyone in the world.

Cars are running on the busy road. This is the familiar scene we have seen forever. But the exception is that this time the car is not running on wheels, it is walking! Have you ever heard or seen such a thing before? South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai has brought a revolutionary change in the conventional thinking about cars.

They presented this special car called 'Elevate' at the CES Technology Exhibition in Las Vegas, USA. Hyundai's new innovation Elevate doesn't just run it also walks. You can also ride in a steep or hilly place. Because this car has robotic legs along with the wheels. This car can be used for walking and riding in high places!

This car is mainly made for running on high and low places. This special car Elevate will show its ability even in the areas where normal cars are unable to move. The manufacturer of the car, Hyundai, said that Elevate will be able to work in space as well.

This South Korean company said that their newly invented Elevate car can go anywhere. The four legs of this vehicle will be basically controlled by robots. This car can climb the stairs in a tall building. Passengers sitting inside the car will not need any special jolt while moving their legs. If this car gets stuck in the snow, this elevated car will walk back to the road and start moving again.

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