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Things to do before lunch will calm you down

To keep focus on work, these tasks should be done before lunch

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter how much work you do in the morning, you can't work again if you don't play at noon. But many times it is seen that after lunch you are not in the mood for work. And to solve this problem you must do some work before lunch. Otherwise there will be no interest in work. So let's find out what things we do before eating lunch, we can get calm back to work after eating.

1. Take a simple task:

No matter how hard you do in the morning, start with an easy task before lunch. As a result, your interest in work will be right. Because many times it is seen that one has started a work before lunch which he is not able to finish the work easily. Can't even leave that job unfinished. This will cause you to lose focus on your work. So before eating try to do something that you can finish before it is time to eat.

2. Have some fun with colleagues:

It is important to keep your mind happy before going to lunch. So have a laugh with your colleagues in the afternoon and cheer yourself up. Because if the mind is not good, attention to eating will be lost. As a result, the mind will not be able to work properly after lunch.

3. Eat something light 1 hour before lunch:

We should eat light meals between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then your body will be fresh throughout the day. Especially it can be seen that before lunch we get so much hunger, then we don't think about work anymore. And if you start eating in such a state of hunger, you often end up eating more. As a result, after noon, the mind does not sit for work. So it is possible to avoid this problem by eating something light beforehand.

4. Proper planning of work:

Generally, after lunch, no more work can be done. So finish complex and difficult tasks before noon. Because you can't do any hard work after noon. And even if you can, it will be a waste of time. So get your work done before lunch as much as possible and keep some simple tasks after lunch. Then you will have no worries.

5. Do light exercise:

Do light exercise before you eat lunch. Usually, several parts of the body remain immobile as a result of sitting or standing in one place. So light exercise before eating activates all the organs of the body, which will increase your interest in eating and help you to focus on the task after eating.

So start practicing these activities from today before lunch.

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