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New smart shoes can tie themselves!

Now you don't have to stress about shoe laces anymore

The Dhaka Times Desk Now you don't have to stress about shoe laces anymore. Because a new smart shoe that can tie itself is on the market! And this shoe is brought by sports fashion product maker Nike.

নিজেই ফিতে বাঁধতে পারবে নতুন স্মার্ট জুতা! 1

Now you don't have to stress about shoe laces anymore. Because a new smart shoe that can tie itself is on the market! And this shoe is brought by sports fashion product maker Nike.

Sports fashion product manufacturer Nike has released an automatic smart shoe that will tie the laces according to the size of the feet by itself!

The British newspaper Daily Mail said, 'Nike Adapt BB' model shoes are mainly made for basketball players. These laces can be tightened or loosened by pressing the button on the shoe or through the smartphone!

That said, different areas of the foot have different blood supply needs during basketball. But it can also be disturbed due to the pressure of the shoe. That is why shoes have to be taken off and on again and again. However, with the help of this smartphone app or the button on the shoes, the shoes can be easily loosened or tightened as needed.

নিজেই ফিতে বাঁধতে পারবে নতুন স্মার্ট জুতা! 2

In this regard, American basketball player Jason Tatum said, this shoe can be worn only through the app. Press the button to change its color! It will also show how much charge is in the shoe.

These shoes have to be charged regularly. Each pair of shoes will also come with a recharging mat. Nike first introduced self-tying shoes in 2016.

About this new smart shoe, a Nike official, Michael Martin, said, wearing it will feel like you have two smart phones tied to your feet. This new smart shoe will start selling in the United States from February 17 at a price of 350 dollars.

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