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Bengali scientist's new discovery to cure cancer!

ক্যানসার শব্দটির সঙ্গে আমরা কম বেশি সকলেই পরিচিত। ক্যানসারের কথা শুনলে আমরা সবাই আঁতকে উঠি

The Dhaka Times Desk A Bengali scientist has discovered a new method to cure cancer! Which is a very effective chemical in the treatment of lung cancer.

ক্যানসার নিরাময়ে বাঙালি বিজ্ঞানীর নতুন আবিষ্কার! 1

American Cleveland Clinic claims that Bengali scientist has discovered a new method to cure cancer. Which is a very effective chemical in the treatment of lung cancer.

We all are more or less familiar with the word cancer. We all get shocked when we hear about cancer. Many people think that getting cancer means certain death. This idea is not completely unfounded. But thanks to modern science, cancer does not mean certain death. America's Cleveland Clinic claims to have discovered a highly effective chemical in the treatment of lung cancer. The claim of that organization is that effective results can be obtained if the chemical made by them is mixed with conventional chemotherapy solution. The discovered chemical can prevent cancer cells from growing too fast.

A Bengali researcher is attached to this study. The researcher named Sharmishta De claimed that after two years of research at the Cleveland Clinic, an effective method of treating lung cancer has been found. For people suffering from small cell lung cancer (lung cancer), this new treatment is effective. Their research was recently published in the Journal of the American Association of Cancer Research.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Among various cancers, lung cancer has the highest mortality rate in the world.

Bengali researcher Sharmistha said that lung and other small cancer cells grow very fast and this type of cancer spreads to different parts of the body very quickly. Due to which it becomes very difficult to save the patient. Chemotherapy alone was the mainstay of treatment for this cancer for nearly 3 centuries. However, chemotherapy cannot completely eradicate the cancer. Sharmistha claims that such a method of chemotherapy has been developed in his laboratory, which is a very effective method.

The researchers' paper reports that currently available chemotherapies cannot essentially kill tumor-initiating cells. Those tumor initiating cells later become resistant to chemotherapy. Researchers have found a chemical that can easily kill the tumor-initiating cells in this small cell cancer. The researchers found that using the chemical they discovered, CBL0137, along with the commonly used platinum-based chemotherapy, cisplatin, would be much more effective. The paper claims that CBL0137 and cisplatin administered together in certain mice reduced tumor growth. They have survived much longer.

Sharmistha said, "Our developed treatment method has been effective on white mice. Experiments are being conducted to see if this therapy can be applied to the human body. If successful, this therapy will be considered an effective medicine and will help save the lives of many patients.

Cancer doctor Subir Gangopadhyay said, even with treatment, this small cell cancer patient can never be saved for more than one year. This cancer quickly spreads to the brain and elsewhere. If this small cell cancer can be controlled, it will be really important news for us. It would be a great thing if this small cell cancer could be brought to the bug. The life expectancy of those affected by this disease will increase. Tata Cancer Hospital director Maman Chandy said more tests are needed. It remains to be seen how successful this treatment will be in the human body.

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