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Selfie with sharks in the ocean!

This work was done by a group of divers in the Pacific Ocean

The Dhaka Times Desk After the advent of the selfie era, one after the other selfie incidents are happening. Many people do not hesitate to take a selfie with the dead person before burial. This is an exceptional event in the ocean selfie with sharks!

এবার মহাসাগরে হাঙরের সঙ্গে সেলফি! 1

After the advent of the selfie era, one after the other selfie incidents are happening. Many people do not hesitate to take a selfie with the dead person before burial. No one hesitates to take a selfie with a scary animal on the roof of a train, by the sea, on a high mountain or sometimes in a zoo. This is an exceptional case of taking selfies with sharks in deep water in the ocean!

This work was done by a group of divers in the Pacific Ocean. They took a selfie with a huge shark. The shark that the diver team took a selfie with right in the middle of the ocean is one of the largest sharks in the ocean. The length of which is 20 feet and the weight is about two and a half tons!

Such information has emerged in a report of the media BBC. According to the report, a group of divers took a selfie with the shark on the south coast of the island of Oahu in the US state of Hawaii. The group of divers who took selfies with the shark was led by a diver named Ocean Ramsay.

According to the news, the name of this white shark is 'Deep Blue Shark' which means 'Dark Blue Shark'. Many of the divers have seen the female shark again! They also took selfies one by one. The team of divers resorted to a special technique to find the shark. They leave the meat of dead whales in a place in the sea. The shark was caught by this special technique of theirs.

About the shark, Ocean Ramsey, a diver, told the Honolulu Star Advertiser, an influential newspaper in the state of Hawaii, that a type of shark known as a 'tiger shark' came and ate the meat of the dead whale. We prepare to video such scenes.

At that time, I saw that shark called 'Deep Blue Shark' came there along with some tiger sharks. The shark came and started shaking the diver's boat repeatedly. Only then did this group of us get a chance to actually touch it and take a selfie. We then take selfies and even get to touch the whales!'

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