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Chimpanzees clean their own house!

Such an amazing incident happened in Shenyang city of Liaoning province, China

The Dhaka Times Desk This chimpanzee cleans his own house just like people clean their own house! One such news is viral in the online world.

শিম্পাঞ্জি নিজের ঘর নিজেই পরিষ্কার করে! 1

Animals and birds get many things from people. They try to imitate humans in everything. But it is more noticeable in monkey or chimpanzee though there is some variation in other animals. Chimpanzee is said to be the most intelligent animal in the world. The evidence that we see chimpanzees doing in various movies can also be real. Because we believe that everything in movies is fabricated. But we never thought it could happen in real life. This time a wonderful event has really happened, which really surprised us. Like today's incident. This chimpanzee cleans his own house just like people clean their own house! One such news is viral in the online world.

Such an amazing incident happened in Shenyang city of Liaoning province, China. There is an 18-year-old chimpanzee with others in the zoo there.

Recently, the net world was fascinated by a feat of that chimpanzee. Suddenly one day he was seen cleaning his cage with a broom. This chimpanzee is gathering the dry leaves and branches scattered inside the cage nicely and collecting them on one side!

After seeing such a scene, a video was made by the zoo authorities. Later that video was also shared on their social page by Chinese media CGTN.

Talking about such behavior of chimpanzees, Wang Jingjing, a member of the zoo, said in a response to the media that chimpanzees imitate humans in various ways. He watched very carefully the way the member cleaned the cage with a broom. That was reflected in the chimpanzee's actions. Wang Jingjing also said that he also expertly sweeps the corners of the cage.

Although the chimpanzee is 18 years old, his mental state is similar to that of a 4-year-old human child. After being posted on social media, the likes and comments of the video increased by leaps and bounds. Humans are surprised to see such actions of chimpanzees.

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