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Dinosaurs can return to the world again!

In fact, those terrible carnivorous tyrannosaurs will dominate the world again?

The Dhaka Times Desk Can those giant dinosaurs ever be brought back? Will it be possible to bring back the days of 'Jurassic Park'? Many questions are now in people's minds.

পৃথিবীতে আবারও ডাইনোসরের প্রত্যাবর্তন ঘটতে পারে! 1

In fact, those terrible carnivorous tyrannosaurs will dominate the world again? That possibility or fear has arisen in a couple of recent discoveries. Fossils of mosquitoes have been found in yellowish-brown amber in the bark of a Jurassic period tree. DNA, the main seed of life, was found in it. Not only this, blood vessels and a special type of protein called collagen have also been found elsewhere in dinosaur fossils. Due to which the dinosaurs that disappeared billions of years ago can be brought back or not, that curiosity has also been born among the scientists.

But it can be said that it is absolutely impossible, scientists are not talking about that. "Ajgubi" does not rule out that possibility or fear. The reason is that the dinosaurs disappeared from the earth according to the rules of evolution. Then, through the process of evolution, better beings were born and developed in this world. But the wheels of that evolutionary chariot have no fixed direction. It cannot be said that it is only progressing from the age of the dinosaurs to human civilization or to a more advanced animal.

Jamal Nasir, a geneticist at the University of Northampton in Britain, said, 'It is not impossible, because there is no definite direction in the evolution process. It is not that it will only move forward. It cannot be said that it is rolling only from east to west or from north to south. In fact, in which direction the wheel of evolution will go, it is not fixed in advance. His trajectory is by no means planned. Rather, it is very crazy. So I don't think dinosaurs can ever be brought back to earth from fossils. That possibility is not at all low.'

Nasir also said that the right environment is also needed for those dinosaurs to come back. A sudden major change in our genome might make it possible.

However, the vertebrate paleontologist Susie Maidment of the Natural History Museum in London is not willing to accept the statement of geneticist Jamal Nasir. He says, 'It is in amber that fossils of dinosaur-age mosquitoes have been found. However, there was no trace of live mosquitoes. The reason why the blood clots there is not seen. So it is not possible to bring back the dinosaurs from there.'

However, blood vessels and collagen proteins have been found elsewhere in dinosaur fossils. However, the DNA of dinosaurs was not actually found there either. According to some scientists, DNA can remain intact longer than collagen, but it cannot. Within a few days, DNA is completely destroyed by water and sunlight.

Susie Maidment says, 'The oldest DNA of any animal found so far is 1000,000 years old. But the dinosaurs became extinct 66 million years ago. To bring back the dinosaurs we need to find traces of ancient DNA. Then maybe it will be possible to bring back these terrible animals dinosaurs that disappeared many billions of years ago.

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