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An endless supply of water near the world!

The amount of water in the solar system, between the practically non-breathing asteroids around our necks, is enough to fill 500,000 swimming pools, about half the size of the Olympics!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, scientists have informed us about the endless reserves of water and minerals in the solar system near our homes. For the first time, they calculated that with the amount of water, it is possible to fill 500,000 swimming pools from about one and a half Olympic size!

পৃথিবীর নিকটেই অফুরন্ত এক পানির ভাণ্ডার! 1

For the first time, scientists have calculated that the amount of water in the solar system, between the asteroids practically breathing around our necks, is enough to fill half an Olympic-size swimming pool!

Scientists say there are not just two, but at most 80 asteroids around us that are filled with endless water. Even if the number is very low, that number will not fall below 26. It is much easier to get water from those asteroids than from the moon.

The information of this research paper appeared in the December 6 issue of the American Geophysical Union's international science-journal 'Journal of Geophysical Research'.

The study also revealed that 1,500 of the 350 water-filled asteroids are within easy reach of the Moon. These are called 'Near-Earth Objects' or 'NEO' for short.

The main researcher, Professor Andrew Rivkin of the Applied Physics Research Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, wrote in the research paper that it is possible to extract a large amount of water from the amount of minerals contained in those asteroids (that is, extraction). 40,000 crores of 120,000 crore liters of water can be extracted from that mineral!

Asteroids in this universe usually reside in the asteroid belt or asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids formed in this region after the birth of the Solar System, 5 billion years ago. Many comet heads and icy tails form in this region after entering the outer reaches of the solar system as they orbit the Sun. The belief of a large part of the scientists is that this asteroid also brought water to the earth. In the early days, the earth was filled with water due to the collision of asteroids with the earth one after another.

It is also known that there are many asteroids or near-Earth objects not only in the asteroid belt, but also around our earth. More than 19,000 such asteroids have been discovered so far. NASA has already sent the spacecraft 'Osiris-Rex' to the asteroid 'Bennu' to measure how much water there is in these asteroids near us. The NASA spacecraft is supposed to bring minerals from there. Scientists have calculated for the first time how much water and minerals may be present in the asteroids that are close to it.

Rivkin also wrote in the paper that those asteroids contain large amounts of minerals, including iron. They mainly contain iron and other minerals as oxide compounds. However, the researchers did not stop. They continued their research. We may get more information in the near future.

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