The Dhaka Times Desk There are various groups on Facebook. In these groups, the members make various posts on various topics. Basically they are the ones who maintain Facebook. Now Facebook wants to make them happy.
Facebook authorities are giving these group admins the opportunity to earn more money. Facebook officials have also announced a pilot program to allow different groups and brands to work together on the Facebook platform. In this group admins will also get a chance to promote different brands and earn money as well.
In June last year, Facebook authorities introduced a subscription model for those running Facebook groups to become members of the group. It allows group admins to create subscription-based special groups in addition to regular groups.
Facebook announced new initiatives for group admins at the Facebook Communities conference held in Menlo Park last Thursday. The conference also discussed opportunities for the subscription group to engage with more partners. This is because the subject group, such brands can be taken as partners. New formatting tools are also being introduced for posting to groups. Moreover, notification of someone breaking group rules, group post filtering, member request searches are also being made easier.
Previously, Facebook has taken several steps by giving importance to the group. Inactive members are also automatically removed from Facebook groups. It has also reduced the number of members in many groups.
According to a report by tech website Social Media Today, Facebook is also going to crack down on inactive group members in their new policy. Facebook used the term 'kicked out' in the updated policy.
According to this policy, a friend can no longer directly add someone to a group. Alternatively, you can invite friends to join the group. As long as the friend keeps the invitation and remains in the group, he will not be considered a member of the group. He will be placed in the 'invited' list as a potential group member.
Those whose friends previously added them to a Facebook group but did not visit the group but saw the post in the news feed, will also be removed from the group and added to the invite list.
Facebook officials said that apart from facilitating group admins, its photo sharing app Instagram will also come with a feature for users to donate to various non-profit organizations. Instagram Stories will also include donation stickers. Facebook has already added such facility. In November of last year, Facebook announced that the Facebook authorities were able to earn $100 million using their features for non-profit organizations.