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Pritam-Mithila's wedding on Valentine's Day!

A few people were present at the simple wedding stage next to the bride and groom

The Dhaka Times Desk Musician Pritam Ahmed and popular actress Mithila have completed the wedding ceremony in secret on this day of World Valentine's Day!

ভালোবাসা দিবসে প্রীতম-মিথিলার বিয়ে! 1

A few people were present at the simple wedding stage next to the bride and groom. Producer Farhad Ahmed, co-artist members and several members of the shooting unit were present.

But this marriage is not actually real. This wedding was formalized for the script of a short film. Pahela Phalgun (February 13) started shooting but the wedding episode ended on February 14.

Pritam Ahmed, the guest actor of this short film called 'Absheshe Valbese', told the media.

Pritam Ahmed said, 'I have been in a lot of trouble for two days. The reason is that acting is not easy, it is hard work. More than this, singing-singing is a thousand peace. However, after sitting on the wedding stage today, I got a little relief!

Mithila and I had a lot of fun pretending to be husband and wife. I tried to act with the help of the director, the story's wife Mithila and fellow artists. Hopefully, nothing too bad will happen. Because the story is quite strong.'

Director Farhad Ahmed said that this special short film is being produced by Alpha I. It will soon be released on video sharing site Bioscope Originals.

Pritam Ahmed posted this picture of the marriage scene of the drama on social media on the night of February 14 and it went viral.

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