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The old couple went on a trip after selling all the houses and cars!

The Michael-Debbie couple from Seattle, USA is one such couple!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people are thirsty for travel. Be ready to leave your family and religion to travel. Now such a couple has been found who have sold all the houses and cars and gone on a world tour!

বাড়ি-গাড়ি সব বিক্রি করে বৃদ্ধ দম্পত্তি বেরিয়েছেন ভ্রমণে! 1

Many of us struggle with daily tasks. If you go on a trip once a year, at least the tiredness of the mind is removed, new places are seen. So travelers often plan to go somewhere. Any weekend or annual holiday means having some 'me' time. However, there are not many couples in the world who sell land and travel around the world! Now we can introduce you to a couple who sold their house and car and went on a world tour.

Michael-Debbie couple from Seattle, USA is one such couple. Michael Campbell is currently 72 years old, and Debbie is 62 years old. Although their desire to travel was earlier, their journey began in 2014. After 36 years of marriage, both of them first quit their jobs. Then bought the house and everything! This couple has traveled to 81 countries of the world in the last 5 years with that money. He has visited more than 260 cities of the country so far with that money.

However, it is not necessary to make a decision, you cannot sell your last possessions and go out for a walk. In the words of the Michael-Debbie couple, sold out. I left some things in the warehouse. We both went on a trip together. But our beginning was not very easy at all. The decision to sell the main asset of life. First I think where to go. I also collect the details related to it. We fix the itinerary. We also finalize other necessary things.

Since they are selling everything and moving around, the couple is very cost conscious. They said they never spent more than $90 a night on accommodation. They live in other people's houses, shop and cook there. The rest of the time they walk together. Time to sit down to write a blog! They write a blog called 'Senior Nomad' or 'Senior Nomad'. They show pictures and stories about new places.

How challenging is traveling from home to home? In response to this question, Michael said, the decision to sell the house was not very easy. After making this difficult decision, we feel that home is where we are. We have 40 years of married life. We are both travelers on the same path. Both have the same mindset. Maybe that's why we didn't have any problem choosing such a path. It's like a team game!

Everything is possible if you want. Along with desire, they need a good plan. Along with that, money is needed to run. Only then will you be able to roam freely wherever you want. This is exactly how this couple said it.

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