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A caretaker's salary is one crore rupees!

This East Brother Island is open to tourists for four days a week

The Dhaka Times Desk If you have ever heard a caretaker's salary is one crore rupees! No doubt it will surprise you. But this huge salary has some interesting conditions!

একজন কেয়ারটেকারের বেতন এক কোটি টাকা! 1

If you have ever heard a caretaker's salary is one crore rupees! No doubt it will surprise you. But this huge salary has some interesting conditions!

East Brother Island is located in California's San Rafael Bay. There is also a beautiful lighthouse. Like many notable lighthouses in America, this lighthouse was built by Paul J. Pelz. Not today, the first light was lit here on March 1, 1874!

With the advancement of technology, lighthouses are no longer needed. That is why most of the lighthouses are now tourist attractions. The 'East Brother Island Lighthouse' is not left out.

The lighthouse keeper's residence on East Brother Island has been open to tourists since 1980. A voluntary organization has been formed so that tourists can stay here.

This East Brother Island is open to tourists for four days a week. Company employees stay there to serve tourists.

According to a report of the international media CNN, the position of caretaker will be taken on this island. Even though they work four days a week, they have to stay on the island. The caretaker will also be responsible for bringing tourists from the mainland, or taking them back. Besides, there is entertainment for guests. The salary for this job will be USD 130,000. Which is about one crore in Bangladeshi taka.

Naturally, many applications have come to that organization. It is known that there are 3 special qualities for the post of caretaker. These three special qualities are said to be by that organization:

1. Must have previous experience of doing such work.
2. A Coast Guard Commercial Boating License is required.
3. Above all, no one should apply for this post unless they are married.

According to media reports, despite passing the first two, most of the candidates are left out because of the third point. Note that only two persons will be appointed for the post of caretaker.

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