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This app will show pictures in translation!

This app can be helpful for those who regularly travel to different countries

The Dhaka Times Desk Xpic, the new app for translation, was unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. This app will show related pictures instead of translating sentences!

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This app can be helpful for those who regularly travel to different countries. Easy to understand images will be shown to its customers by recognizing words in different languages.

The British tabloid Mirror reports that voice searches will be available on the Xpic. Because of that, what you need will be done by mouth.

Suppose you need a taxi to go to the Moscow airport. Then you tell the app, 'Taxi to Airport'. Other translation apps will show you when they translate it to Russian. However, XPIC will show a taxi and an airport image. That's why if you show the driver a picture, he will understand what you need.

According to the British tabloid Mirror report, the images can also be arranged according to what the customer wants to convey.

To test the app, a Mirror reporter asked Xpic in English, “What time is it?” On the other hand, the guy standing at the counter only understands Spanish. In response, the app then displays an image of a clock with a question mark. Seeing that, the Spanish man understood very easily that he needed to know the time.

This new Xpic app is already open for free on Google Play Store and App Store.

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