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Qualities you must possess to be an ideal mother

Do your duty as an ideal mother to make your child's future better

The Dhaka Times Desk. A mother-child relationship is one that cannot be measured by anything. A mother can make her child an ideal child from an early age. Again, due to mother's negligence, many children are deteriorating day by day. Today we will know what qualities an ideal mother should have.

1. Expressing love for children:

Children want to get a lot of love from their mothers. So do not deprive the child of your love in any way. Hug your child to your chest and kiss him on the forehead. You will see that your child will be very happy.

2. Put your hand on the shoulder while explaining something:

Sometimes your child may make mistakes. So don't insult him. Then he will lose confidence in himself. Put your hands on his shoulders and explain to him how best to do it. Saying this way will increase children's confidence in you and in themselves.

3. Become a child's friend:

Build friendships with children. Then all small and big problems will be shared with you. As a result, your child will not be in any danger. And if you keep friendship like this, you can keep track of where your child goes. This will reduce the chances of your child going down a bad path.

4. Appreciate his work:

When your child does something good, it is your responsibility to praise him. It increases his self-confidence. As a result, he is encouraged to do better work in the future.

5. Teaching to understand self-esteem:

First try to understand how careful your child is about his self-esteem. Then gain knowledge about what actions will decrease self-esteem and what actions will increase it. It will learn to maintain self-esteem from a young age.

6. Encourage to do your own work:

As a good mother it is your responsibility to teach your child to do his own work. It is your responsibility to teach this habit from an early age. So praise children when they do something on their own. This will increase children's interest in their own work.

7. Teach discipline and ethics:

If you want to be an ideal mother, teach your child a sense of order and social norms. Because to be an ideal man, he must know the sense of order and social principles.

8. Religious Education:

Educate your child in religious education. Then he will become a humble and polite person. Religious education will help him develop into a pious person.

So from today, be an ideal mother and make your child an ideal person.

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