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The 'mayor' of the city is a goat!

The goat who becomes the newly elected 'mayor' is the goat of a school math teacher

Lincoln, a 3-year-old Nubian goat, is poised to become the first honorary pet mayor of the small Vermont town of Fair Haven. (Robert Layman/The Rutland Herald via AP)

The Dhaka Times Desk A novel event! Goat's name got involved with politics. A goat has been appointed as an 'honorary mayor' in a city in an American state!

শহরের 'মেয়র' হলো একটি ছাগল! 1

Local time last Thursday in the city of Fair Haven, Vermont, United States of America was as if the decoration was Rob. As in other elections, the residents of the city came to vote on that day. However, there were animals like dogs, cats and goats as candidates in that mayoral election!

According to media reports, the small town of 2,500 people turned out to be very low in the election, which is true. However, a three-year-old goat named Lincoln won by quite a margin! This goat Lincoln has left behind 15 candidates. Lincoln received a total of 13 votes. And total votes are 53.

It is known that this city has no official mayor. City Manager Joseph Gunter took the initiative to vote on animals after reading an incident in a newspaper in Michigan. Only then did he arrange this election. He told the media that he took this initiative to finance a playground.

The goat who becomes the newly elected 'mayor' is the goat of a school math teacher. The media also reported that he will 'fulfill his duties' for the next year. During this period, he will also get the opportunity to participate in the big events of the city and get education.

In this regard, the city manager Joseph said, "This matter of involving animals in the local government system is very good for us. Although the number of voters in this first election is small, he expressed hope that people's participation will increase in the future.

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