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A charming landscape in Switzerland

There is a vast mountain range. The gurgling sound of the fountain can't fail to impress the wanderlust

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Wednesday, 13 March 2019 AD, 29 Falgun 1425 BANGABD, 5 Rajab 1440 AH. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

সুইজারল্যান্ডের একটি মনোমুগ্ধকর প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য 1

The view you are looking at is the enchanting landscape of Switzerland. There is no doubt that you too will be charmed when you visit such a place.

The name of this small village in Switzerland is Bravouen. Spread over an area of 56.2 square miles, this village attracts a large number of tourists every year due to its mesmerizing natural beauty. Looking at the scenes, it will seem that nature has decorated the village with its opulence. A village is like a dream. Alebula river flows by the very side of the village.

There is a vast mountain range. The gurgling sound of the fountain can't fail to impress the wanderlust. However, the authorities have prohibited taking pictures in this village. If someone takes a picture, he has to pay a fine.

As of January 2017, the total population of the village was only 530 people. The picturesque village also has a church which is a monument of ancient Roman civilization. The natural beauty here is unforgettable. It really seems like a paradise!

Photo: Fine Art America and information: Courtesy of

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