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The price of 5 pieces of potato chips is 5 thousand rupees!

You may be surprised to hear that! Unbelievably, a company in Sweden has created such expensive potato chips

The Dhaka Times Desk It may sound strange. Don't want to believe. But in reality the story is true. The price of 5 pieces of potato chips is 5 thousand rupees!

৫ টুকরা পটেটো চিপসের দাম নাকি ৫ হাজার টাকা! 1

Hearing such words, doubt may arise in one's mind, that is a natural thing. But the story is true. And that is the price of 5 pieces of potato chips or 5 thousand taka!

If you don't eat popcorn and potato chips when you go to the cinema, then what is the point of coming to the cinema? The reason is that movies can now be watched at home. But we all know that potato chips change the taste of entertainment! Also, is there a specific time to eat potato chips? When you want, you have to buy and eat from a nearby store! But the question may come that if the price of 5 pieces of potato chips is more than 5 thousand rupees, then how to eat it?

You may be surprised to hear that! Unbelievably, a company in Sweden has created such expensive potato chips. These handmade chips are sold in a beautiful box. There are only 5 chips in a box! It costs USD 59 (currently USD 62). When these potato chips were launched three years ago, 100 boxes were sold within a week.

Why are these potato chips so expensive? What is the reason?

This is because the ingredients used to make these expensive chips are only available at a certain time of the year. That is why the price of these chips is so high because of the low supply of ingredients needed to make chips!

What ingredients are made of these precious potato chips?

These chips require 5 special ingredients. Its main ingredient is potato. It comes from the mountainous region of Amarnas in northern Sweden. It is a very remote area. A very limited amount of potato is grown in this area. Not only this, these potatoes are harvested from the field only once a year during the 'Blue Harvest Moon'.

Another essential ingredient in making these chips is the matsutake mushroom. It is known that this mushroom can not be picked without wearing special gloves! These matsutake mushrooms are painstakingly harvested from the forests of northern Sweden.

Another essential ingredient in making these chips is the crown dill plant. It is brought from Australia's Barre Islands.

According to a report of Zee News, another ingredient of these chips is truffle seaweed. It is a type of fungus. It is brought from Nafarao Island. Also, the Lakesand onions and pale ale wort needed to make these chips are scarce in Sweden. That's why the price of these chips is so good! And that's exactly why these chips cost so much. Which seems strange to everyone.

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