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Mila returned to singing

Mila also participated in the concerts organized at Bells Park in Khulna on March 8 and Barisal on March 11

The Dhaka Times Desk mila A crazy name in the world of music. Many are missing him because he has been away from the music world for a long time. But this time the good news is that he is returning to the world of music.

গানে ফিরলেন মিলা 1

Popular singer Mila. He was out of music for quite some time due to divorce, lawsuits, personal troubles. This popular star has shaken everything and returned to the world of music. After a gap of two years, Mila took to the stage for the first time at the Gazipur District Stadium on March 4.

Moreover, Mila also participated in the concerts organized at Bells Park in Khulna on March 8 and Barisal on March 11. After that, Mila also participated in the Chittagong Outer Stadium concert.

According to artist sources, Mila will participate in more stage shows in March and April. Miller is scheduled to participate in a concert at Comilla Town Hall ground on March 19, Zainul Abedin Park in Mymensingh on March 23, Rajshahi District Stadium on March 29 and Begum Rokeya University in Rangpur on April 2.

In this regard, Mila said, 'Back to music, it seems as if I have regained my life. The audience also really received me with love. So I want to sing regularly, forgetting all the insults.'

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