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If you don't vote, you have to pay the fine in the country!

There is no confusion on polling day

The Dhaka Times Desk Federal or central elections are going to be held in Belgium on May 26. Prime Minister Charles Michel resigned after losing a no-confidence vote in December. That is why the people of Belgium are looking to this election hoping for a prime minister.

ভোট না দিলেই জরিমানা গুনতে হয় যে দেশে! 1

A new news is heard after the vote in Belgium. And that is that voting is mandatory for citizens above 18 years of age. If a citizen is out of the country, he can vote online, or delegate in writing to someone else to cast his vote. If you don't vote, the voter's identity card is 'tracked' and a penalty letter is sent to his home!

Belgium also has security and police presence at the polls, but there is no chaos on polling day. Many times the candidates themselves join the polling activities to help the government workers. Here too voting is done by secret ballot. When you go to vote, however, instead of finger ink, a magnetic card is given, which upon activation, the presiding officer will confirm that voting has been completed.

The King is the head of the Belgian parliament or central government. The current king of Belgium is named Philippe. He announced who won the post of Prime Minister. Rajai will read the oath to the Prime Minister.

There are fifteen Union Ministers in the country. A total of 11 election centers including Brussels. Multiple candidates of the same party get nomination in a centre. Voters can also vote for one candidate, or vote for a party with multiple candidates, or voters can also apply 'Nota'.

The country also has regional parliament elections. The country has a total of 6 parliaments. The Federal or Central Parliament, the Flemish Parliament (for Dutch-speaking areas), the French Parliament (for French-speaking areas), the German Parliament (for German-speaking areas), the Walloon Parliament (for residents of Wallonia) and the Brussels Capital Region (the capital) Separate Parliament.

The country has separate tiers for municipal elections and district elections.

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