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How to understand if the phone is cracked?

Suddenly you noticed that no matter how much you charge, your mobile does not stay charged for long

The Dhaka Times Desk Phone hacking is getting more and more scary day by day. Hackers can steal a lot of important information by tapping the phone. Now the question is how to understand if the phone is cracked? Know that.

ফোনে আড়িপাতা হলে বুঝবেন কীভাবে? 1

As an avid phone user, you can be in danger at any time. Now the question is how to understand that your phone is being tapped?

Maybe you are talking to someone on the phone. But sometimes you hear suspicious sounds from the other end of the phone. Never take this matter lightly. In this case, the danger of the phone being tapped is many times higher.

Your mobile battery was working fine. But suddenly you noticed that no matter how much you charge, your mobile does not stay charged for long. Talk to the experts immediately.

There is no problem while turning off the mobile phone again? Trying to turn off the phone, but it won't. Then it must be understood that the matter is quite suspicious. If so, be careful. Then understand that your phone can be hacked.

Are you getting any suspicious SMS every now and then? Or your phone keeps turning off. But don't take it lightly. If the phone is behaving 'strangely' then it is definitely suspicious.

Maybe he saw that you are not using the phone. But an electronic device near the phone suddenly started shaking. If so, the matter is certainly doubtful. No one is hacking your phone and using it?

Again, take a good look at the matter. Is your data usage increasing? Can't block the internet surf in any way? If so, be careful. You can also contact the service provider if necessary.

If you notice the above, you must be careful and make informed decisions or contact a specialist. Otherwise you may suffer significant damage. So be careful.

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