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30 people including 27 firefighters died in the fire in China

March 0 The wildfire started in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, a mountainous region of Sichuan Province.

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 30 people, including 27 firefighters, have died trying to put out a wildfire in southwestern China. Local officials said that this incident happened yesterday (April 1). .

দাবানলে চীনে ২৭ দমকলকর্মীসহ ৩০ জনের মৃত্যু 1

Citing local media, The New York Times reported that the fire started on March 30 in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, a mountainous region of Sichuan Province. Around 700 people including local residents and firemen were engaged in extinguishing the fire. Yesterday afternoon (March 31) a sudden change in the direction of the wind caused the firefighters to face the fire. Due to which 30 people went missing.

Later yesterday (Monday) night, China's Ministry of Emergency Management said in a statement that the bodies of 30 missing people have been found. Among the missing are 27 members of the Sichuan Forest Fire Brigade. The remaining 3 are local residents.

It should be noted that fires often break out in China during the spring. In recent weeks, the Chinese government has also issued emergency warnings for other high-temperature and drought-prone regions, including Sichuan.

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