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Get rid of mosquitoes in just 30 seconds!

If you want, you can make this effective material to repel mosquitoes at home

The Dhaka Times Desk Get rid of mosquitoes in just 30 seconds! Now the question is how this is possible. So you need to take some steps. Find out about them today.

মশার কবল থেকে মুক্তি পেতে পারেন মাত্র ৩০ সেকেন্ডে! 1

A very small animal is a mosquito. No matter how many strategies we adopt to avoid being attacked by these mosquitoes. But in the end it is not saved many times. We usually use coils or sprays to repel mosquitoes. All of which are made with harmful chemicals. All these chemicals are very harmful to our health.

If you want, you can make this effective mosquito repellant at home, in less than 30 seconds! You will need very simple ingredients like coconut oil or vanilla essence to make this ingredient!

The first step is:

This method requires two very simple ingredients. Coconut oil and essential oils. We know coconut oil is stocked in everyone's home, along with choose any essential oil of your choice. You can choose any one or two essential oils from lavender, mint, clove, basil, lemongrass or rosemary flavors.

Step 2 is:

Then mix 2 teaspoons of essential oil with 8 ounces of coconut oil. Then the natural mosquito repellent oil is made for you! You can apply this oil on any part of your body. The mosquitoes will be gone and the skin will also be good. Mosquitoes will be far away from you. Not only mosquitoes, but also other small insects including ants will not flock to you.

Only good quality vanilla essence will work for you in this method. The vanilla essence that we usually use in cooking is the same.

Mix equal amount of water with vanilla essence. Then use the mixture on your skin. If you want, you can mix a little lemon juice with this mixture and fill it in a spray bottle and spray it in your house or garden. That will also get rid of mosquitoes.

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