The Dhaka Times
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High school sales advertisement with students!

Advertising of consumer goods is a very common phenomenon

The Dhaka Times Desk We see the news of many things being sold, but the school is selling with students! It seems that we have never heard such a thing in our life. But the incident went viral online.

ছাত্র-ছাত্রীসহ হাইস্কুল বিক্রির বিজ্ঞাপন! 1

Advertising of consumer goods is a very common phenomenon. But what if that ad is a high school sale ad with students? Then your eyes should rise to the forehead! Just recently, a high school sale advertisement with students has gone viral on social media Facebook!

This ad has been circulating for several days. This special ad is circulating on Facebook users' walls all over the world. The advertisement reads - 'Sale will be high school/play-Xth class ongoing/with 450 students'! A mobile number to contact the advertiser is also provided below the ad.

Meanwhile, many people shared this picture on Facebook and made various comments. They are highlighting the sad reality of the current education system.

However, as the name of the school or place was not mentioned in that advertisement, it was not possible to confirm the location of the school and the authenticity of the advertisement. Calling the number mentioned in the advertisement for details about the matter, the number is also found to be closed. So many questions have arisen about the truth of the matter. However, whether it is true or false, there is no doubt that the matter has a wide response among people.

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