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5 more moons of Saturn have been discovered!

Cassini combed Saturn's icy rings

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA's Cassini spacecraft has discovered 5 more moons of Saturn. NASA said the moons were hidden behind one of Saturn's rings, so they were undetectable.

শনির আরও ৫টি চাঁদের সন্ধান পাওয়া গেছে! 1

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has discovered 5 more moons of Saturn. NASA said the moons were hidden behind one of Saturn's rings, so they were undetectable.

2 years ago, NASA's Cassini spacecraft entered Saturn's ring. His death knell finally rang there. But his death was not in vain. Cassini combed Saturn's icy rings before dying. At this time he noticed that there are 5 moons hidden under some rings of Saturn. Which is completely covered in ice.

Cassini then sends back images and information about them. Recently, after studying them, NASA scientists have confirmed that those cosmic objects behind Saturn's rings are actually Saturn's moons. Their research paper was recently published in the international science journal 'Science'.

In the report, the researchers said that 5 moons were clearly visible in the images sent by Cassini. They are named, 'Pan', 'Atlas', 'Daphnis', 'Prometheus' and 'Pandora'.

Of these 5, the 2 moons closest to Saturn's rings have more rugged backs and are more like an egg or elongated potato. The names of those 2 moons are Daphnis and Pan. Others are covered in snow. The remaining 3 moons - 'Atlas', 'Prometheus' and 'Pandora' are some distance from Saturn's rings and very close to Enceladus, one of Saturn's large moons.

In this regard, the researchers said, the two moons (Daphnis and Pan) hidden in the rings or areas between Saturn's 'A' and 'F' rings, which have not caught our eyes so far, are red in color. They are similar in color to the rings of Saturn that surround them. On the other hand, the 3 distant moons - 'Atlas', 'Prometheus' and 'Pandora' are blue in colour. The ice smoke coming out of Enceladus, its color is so blue!

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