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Cassini's camera captures Saturn: rarest image in space

The Dhaka Times Desk Various pictures of planets outside the Earth are often published, but at the same time, how about seeing many planets in our solar system together? Such photo opportunities are truly rare. On the 12th of this month, the American space research agency NASA released several images captured by cameras simultaneously on Earth, Mars, Moon and Saturn. In the meantime, the pictures have become quite popular worldwide.


For space research 2004 Launched by NASA in Cassini The spacecraft took these pictures. Although the pictures were released in November, they were taken this year 29th of July the date Seen in the picture, surrounded by rings Saturn to Sun covering On the other hand, Earth is seen as a blue dot far away from Saturn. The moon is next to the earth. On the other side of the picture, Mars is also seen peeking out. The image has already been recognized as one of the 'rarest images' ever taken in space exploration. Many have been giddy with joy to spot their solitary home in the vast lifelessness of space. This image has become a symbol of protecting the earth and instilling brotherly harmony among the fellow human beings of this planet. The most interesting thing is that on the day the picture was taken, on July 29, the worldThe Day Earth SmiledThe day was observed. The day is celebrated solely to celebrate the existence and abundance of life on Earth in the context of space.

1990 From the spacecraft Voyager discussed inGet the blue dot' such a picture of the world was taken. The film was very popular at that time.

References: Independent

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