The Dhaka Times
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A dog saved 30 lives with his life!

This incident happened on April 12 in Banda area of Uttar Pradesh, India

The Dhaka Times Desk A dog's love for its master is not today's topic. Those stories have been going on for ages. This time too, one such story has shocked everyone. A dog saved 30 lives with his life!

এক কুকুর নিজের জীবন দিয়ে বাঁচালো ৩০ জনের প্রাণ! 1

A dog's love for its master is not today's topic. Those stories have been going on for ages. This time too, one such story has shocked everyone. A dog saved 30 lives with his life!

We all know about the loyalty of dogs. There are many instances of sacrificing one's life for one's master in this godly creature. But this time, not only the owner, but a dog has saved the lives of 30 people from the fire. But in the end the dog could not survive on its own. The dog had to be given life. This heartbreaking incident took place on April 12 in Banda area of Uttar Pradesh, India.

According to Indian media, about 30 people live in the building where the fire broke out. It was only because of the constant barking of the dog that they realized the fire and were able to quickly get out of the building.

An eyewitness said the dog started barking at the sight of the fire. In this, everyone can be aware and get out safely. The dog later died due to a gas cylinder explosion.

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