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Musharraf Karim is becoming 'Cultural Mama' this Eid

The drama 'Cultural Mama' is written by Sajin Ahmed Babu and directed by Maruf Mithu

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actor Musharraf Karim is going to appear as 'Cultural Mama' this Eid. A 7-episode serial drama 'Culture Mama' was produced in view of Eid.

এবারের ঈদে ‘কালচারাল মামা’ হয়ে আসছেন মোশাররফ করিম 1

The drama 'Cultural Mama' is written by Sajin Ahmed Babu and directed by Maruf Mithu. In the story of the play, it will be seen that a boy moves to America with his mother at a very young age. After 33 long years he returned to the country again. After returning to the country, he got into a lot of trouble with the culture. You have to put him in danger with your behavior. He does not know how to deal with anyone. It is as if he is struggling to reconcile everything in Bangladesh with the American culture.

Musharraf Karim played the role of the boy who returned to America in this drama. Aparna Ghosh played the role of a house maid who comes from abroad and joins the family. Their fun chemistry will be revealed in this drama.

Popular actor Jamil Ahmed of Miracle fame also acted in the play. Jamil played the role of Musharraf Karim's uncle.

About the play, producer Maruf Mithu said, “Cultural Mama is a play full of humor. I have produced the play to entertain the audience. Also, I have tried to give some message, which I believe will touch the hearts of the audience.”

According to the producer, this serial drama 'Cultural Mama' will be aired on RTV on Eid-ul-Azha.

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