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First you have to be a good person - Lotte Schering

Lotte Tshering, Prime Minister of Bhutan, gave a brief account of his time studying in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Prime Minister Lotte Tshering of Bhutan has returned home after a successful four days in our country. The speeches he gave us were really amazing. He said earlier to be a good person.

আগে ভালো মানুষ হতে হবে- লোটে শেরিং 1

Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotte Tshering, speaking at a hearty reception given to him by the Mymensingh Medical College, said that it is not enough to receive education only on paper. Actually we have to discuss among ourselves. We can learn many things if we discuss. Before we become a doctor or whatever, we have to be good people.

Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotte Tshering recounted his studies in Bangladesh and said, "I have seen a lot." When I was studying in Mymensingh Medical College, I fell ill one night. My stomach was hurting. I went to the hospital early in the morning for treatment. I was seen and given medicine and told to rest. But my pain did not subside. The next day I went again. I was admitted to the student cabin. But after a few days my problem did not go away. At that time, a surgeon came and after seeing us, he told us that we have appendicitis and need to be operated urgently. Then I was operated. I recovered within a day.

Bhutan Prime Minister Lotte Tshering said, I have seen a lot in reality. Even though I entered politics, I did not leave my medical profession. I evaluated the profession. You should also remember. Use judgment and discretion. Make yourself a good person. He also mentions his close friend, his roommate at Mymensingh Medical College, his successful partner, the Foreign Minister of Bhutan. He said, instead of being the prime minister in the party he founded, he made me the prime minister. Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotte Tshering's speech impressed everyone present. Because he has given many arguments so eloquently it is like to be impressed. At least the matter will be clear to you if you watch the video attached with today's news.

Prime Minister of Bhutan Lotte Tshering attended Mymensingh Medical for seven years and also took special courses in Dhaka. He stayed in Bangladesh for about 10 years. So he became quite emotional while giving his speech. He also expressed that he felt blessed to celebrate Bengali New Year. Thus Bhutan Prime Minister Lotte Tshering has returned home after his four-day visit to Bangladesh.

Watch the video of the speech given at Mymensingh Medical College

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