The Dhaka Times Desk India's Lok Sabha elections are quite crowded. Especially the fight between BJP and Congress is a bit more visible. In such a situation, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu created a new controversy.
India's Lok Sabha election campaign-war has gathered pace. This time, no one including the hero, singer is left out of this list. In this situation, Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu created a controversy with a new statement.
Sidhu urged Muslims to defeat Bharatiya Janata Party. He said, 'If the Muslims are united, the BJP will run away.'
If Muslims vote for Congress, no power in the world can defeat them, this is the message Navjot Singh Sidhu gave while campaigning.
According to him, Muslims are the majority here. 62 percent are Muslim voters. Then why think? If all of you are united then who else can stop the defeat of BJP. No power in the world can defeat BJP. So unite, say goodbye to BJP.
Earlier, Mayawati made such a comment in Deoband, Uttar Pradesh. BSP leader asks Muslims to unite against BJP. On the other hand, there is a debate going on about Ferdous, the film hero of Bangladesh. He has been accused of participating in election campaigns.