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Planning to kill some special people including Barack Obama?

In addition to Barack Obama, there is also a plan to kill Hillary Clinton and billionaire George Soros

The Dhaka Times Desk The US Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), has said that a suspected leader of a New Mexico militia group planned to kill former US President Barack Obama.

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In addition to Barack Obama, 69-year-old Larry Mitchell Hopkins and his group United Constitutional Patriots also planned to kill Hillary Clinton and billionaire George Soros.

The FBI says it has some such information. The statement the suspected attacker gave in court was released this week. Although there is no clear indication of when he said this. But Hopkins' lawyer denied such allegations.

His lawyer says Hopkins made any such plans - which is completely false.

Hopkins was arraigned in a New Mexico court on Monday. He was charged with possession of firearms and explosives. He was arrested last Saturday. Previously, his team had detained several immigrants in the desert along the New Mexico border.

But the group says it was also helping US border guards to prevent migrants from entering the country through America's southern border. However, many have criticized the activities of this group on the border.

The FBI became aware of the group in 2017. The FBI then learned that an organization called the United Constitutional Patriots was operating out of Hopkins' home.

They have 20 members. The FBI was informed that they had AK47 rifles and other weapons.

In an affidavit filed in court by FBI Special Agent David Gabriel, Hopkins stated that the United Constitutional Patriots were training George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to kill. Because they support a leftist group called Antifa.'

However, O'Connell, the accused Hopkins' lawyer, questioned why his client was not arrested two years ago.

He also said the FBI searched Hopkins' home in 2017. Hopkins' wife owned all the weapons found in his home at the time. However, the FBI did not arrest Hopkins at that time.

According to a BBC news, the accused's lawyer raised the question, 'If it was such a terrible crime, then why was he not arrested immediately?'

It should be noted that if all the charges brought against Hopkins are proved, he can be sentenced up to 10 years.

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