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India's oldest voter is 102-year-old Shyam Sharan Negi!

102-year-old Shyam Sharan Negi is one of the 90 crore people

The Dhaka Times Desk When the vote comes, various exciting news are heard. This time too, no exception happened around the Indian national elections. Various news are being heard about the election. One such news is India's oldest voter, 102-year-old Shyam Saran Negi!

ভারতের সবচেয়ে বয়স্ক ভোটার ১০২ বয়সী শ্যাম শরণ নেগি! 1

When the vote comes, various exciting news are heard. This time too, no exception happened around the Indian national elections. Various news are being heard about the election. One such news is India's oldest voter, 102-year-old Shyam Saran Negi!

According to a news report of BBC Bangla, 90 crore people are voting in the Lok Sabha elections in India.

One of these ninety crore people is 102-year-old Shyam Saran Negi. A resident of Kalpa, a remote town deep in the Himalayas, Mr. Negi has voted in all the country's elections so far.

After the independence of India, the first election was held in 1951. Mr. Negi has voted in all the elections since then. Not only that, Mr. Negi is also very enthusiastic about the election. So even at this age, he voted with enthusiasm like ten other people in the election.

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