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Burka is banned in Sri Lanka!

359 people have been killed so far in the series of bomb attacks in the country on Sunday

The Dhaka Times Desk A series of bomb attacks in Sri Lanka have raised questions about the country's security system. The intelligence of the country believes that several women participated in the attack wearing a burqa. Therefore, the Sri Lankan government is going to ban the wearing of the burqa there due to security reasons.

শ্রীলঙ্কায় বোরকা নিষিদ্ধ হচ্ছে! 1

Sri Lanka's Daily Mirror reported on Wednesday that detectives believe a large group of burqa-wearing women participated in the series of bomb blasts, according to evidence from the Easter Sunday attacks. In view of this, the government is going to take appropriate steps to ban the wearing of burqa and niqab in the country.

Citing a senior official in the country's parliament, the report also said that several ministers had also spoken to President Maithripala Sirisena to ban the burqa in the country. The Sri Lankan government has already started talking with the country's mosque authorities about the matter.

So far 359 people have died in the series of bomb attacks in the country last Sunday. Another 500 people were injured. The country's army launched an operation against militants in an area of Colombo on Monday. A newspaper claimed that many militants fled from there wearing burqas to avoid the reach of the army.

It should be noted that after the independence of Sri Lanka, there was no burqa movement among Muslims. However, it was introduced in the island nation after the Gulf War in 1990. That's why the detectives believe that this burqa can be used as an escape weapon by the militants.

The number of people killed in 8 consecutive bomb attacks has increased to 359 people. More than 500 people were injured in this incident. This series of bombings were carried out on 3 churches, 3 hotels and several other places in Sri Lanka last Sunday.

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