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The door of fate opened with the door of the car!

He won 4 lakh 89 thousand 211 US dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk John Hepburn is a resident of North Carolina, USA. He often buys lottery tickets. This time also he bought 5 tickets. The door of fate opened with the door of his car!

গাড়ির দরজার সঙ্গে ভাগ্যের দরজাও খুলে গেলো! 1

John Hepburn is a resident of North Carolina, USA. He often buys lottery tickets. This time also he bought 5 tickets. He usually bought the ticket and left it at the door of his private car. This time also he left the 5 lottery tickets he bought on the door of the car.

The lottery was drawn recently. But he himself did not know what was going to happen to his fate. There was a very strong wind when the tickets were taken from the door of the car. Some of the 5 tickets fly in the air. Later Hepburn checked the number of tickets. That turned the wheel of his fortune.

He saw that out of the 5 tickets he had bought, only one ticket was left and luckily he won 489,211 US dollars on that one!

"Whenever I buy a lottery ticket, I leave it on the car door," Hepburn said of the ticket. I don't even check them for days. Sometimes when the car doors are opened, the wind blows them away.

Hepburn said, "My son has helped me many times to find out how much money I won in the lottery." I couldn't believe it when she told me this.

Hepburn also said that she plans to do something good for her grandchildren with this money. Besides, he has some debts, which he will pay.

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