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How the new definition of kilogram was discovered

An alloy made of platinum-iridium is used as the unit of mass

The Dhaka Times Desk. The SI system was invented in France in the 18th century, one of which is the kilogram, the unit of mass. Later this method gained international recognition in 1960 due to the lowest accuracy. The International System of Measurement is the most widely used measurement system in the world. It is widely used worldwide in all fields, from scientific research to business.

যেভাবে আবিষ্কৃত হলো কিলোগ্রামের নতুন সংজ্ঞা 1

The natural substance commonly used as a unit of mass is a platinum-iridium alloy. And the mass of this alloy is weighed around the world as one kilogram. This metal fragment is stored in the vaults of the Bureau Internationale de Mesurement (BIPM) in France. But for a long time, scientists have been worried about the accuracy of its weight. Because every ten years the accuracy of the original metalwork is checked against replicas sent to other countries.

Measurements made over the past 100 years or more show that the original sample has lost about 50 micrograms of mass. Although it is about the size of a grain of sand, if the mass is lost day by day, the accuracy of the measurement will no longer be maintained. Scientists believe that the variation is caused by the original metal piece being removed and reinserted from the glass container every decade. So scientists have been trying to find a new definition for a long time.

Finally scientists have found an accurate and permanent solution. Max Planck's constant theory as well as Brian Keeble's scale brought relief. As a result, the kilogram will be defined in terms of the light of the electric wave, not the weight of 'le grand k'. So from now on it will be possible to sample a single kilogram of mass not only in France but anywhere in the world and that will be absolutely accurate.

Although this change will not result in any change in the weight of heavy goods, it will revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry, nanotechnology industry and various chemical compounding industries. Nobel laureate German scientist Max Planck's theory of measuring electric waves includes a constant called H. And the unit of this constant is kilogram square meter per second. Since the calculation includes kilograms, accurate weight measurements can only be made by calculating volume and time.

But here too a problem arises. The value of the H constant is so small that it is difficult to maintain its accuracy. Then the scientist came with a solution to this problem. Brian Keeble. Using his super-accurate set of scales, he is able to measure H values to within 0.000001 percent. As a result, the new definition of kilogram was discovered by the combined efforts of these two scientists.

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