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The Emperor of Japan abdicates today

The new emperor's reign was named 'Reiwa', which in Bengali means 'order and peace'.

The Dhaka Times Desk Read More Details - Japan's Emperor Akihito abdicates today. His son Prince Naruhito will take over from May 1 tomorrow. Although he will officially take over next October.

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Akihito's departure marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. For the first time in the last 200 years, an emperor of the country is abdicating before his death. Earlier in 1817 an emperor left.

In August 2016, Akihito (85) stated that his health was not good and he was getting old. So he has already taken the plan to leave the throne. Later people supported his decision. The matter was also approved by Parliament.

Naruhito is the older of Akihito's two children. 59-year-old Naruhito studied at Oxford. He also wrote papers on the River Thames.

When the emperor changes in Japan, a new era begins. Each emperor has a reign name that is used alongside the Christian calendar. The new emperor's reign was named 'Reiwa', which in Bengali means 'order and peace'. This is the first time the name has been taken from an ancient Japanese poem. Emperor Akihito's era was previously named 'Heisei', meaning 'Achievement of Peace'.

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