The Dhaka Times
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Subir Nandi at Singapore General Hospital

An air ambulance took Subir Nandi to Singapore from Shahjalal Airport in the capital on Tuesday at 10:40 am.

The Dhaka Times Desk Critically ill legendary vocalist Subir Nandi was taken to Singapore for treatment last Tuesday. Singapore General Hospital has started providing medical services to this national singer.

সিঙ্গাপুর জেনারেল হাসপাতালে সুবীর নন্দী 1

Son-in-law of Subir Nandi. Rajesh Shikder said, Subir Nandi's admission procedure was completed at Singapore General Hospital at 5 pm Bangladesh time. An hour and a half before that, the air ambulance carrying Subir Nandi reached Singapore. Subir Nandi is accompanied by daughter Falguni Nandi.

It is known that the condition of Subir Nandi is still unchanged. After starting the treatment, the doctors expressed hope for his speedy recovery.

Earlier, an air ambulance took Subir Nandi to Singapore from the capital's Shahjalal Airport at 10:40 on Tuesday. The air ambulance arrived in Singapore at half past two.

An air ambulance from Singapore arrived in Dhaka on Monday night to take Subir Nandi. After take off it landed immediately due to a mechanical fault. Because of that, it was not possible to take Subir Nandi to Singapore on Monday night. Subir Nandi was then taken to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH). Later Subir Nandi was taken to Singapore by another air ambulance.

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