do it yourself

Fancy artwork with junk material!

The Dhaka Times Desk This artist from Portugal is not satisfied with creating art from only garbage or what is called garbage. Its purpose is to create awareness about environmental pollution and animal plight.

He also feels that he has been able to create an impact on the minds of many people through an exhibition. Portuguese artist Arthur Bardalu creates sculptures in the form of various animals. It can be called a combination of street art with sculpture. Garbage is the main material of his artwork. His art of 'upcycling' is based on imagination in a real context.

Portuguese artist Artur Bardalu himself thinks, 'Through animals we can easily get forms very close to human expression. Nature is being destroyed all the time due to garbage, this planet is on the way to destruction. Those who are being victimized by the process due to pollution and garbage are being portrayed with these elements.'

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These objects include old dolls, car tires, mobile phones or pipes. Whatever people throw away, Bardalo turns all the products into art. 30 of his sculptures made of garbage were recently exhibited in a museum in Paris.

Artur Bardalu said, 'I just tried to do something for everyone with the help of artwork. I wanted to bring not only a handful of industrial ideas but also to the public. I did this especially for the younger generation. Because they have the power to change everything in society.'

In 2014, he founded an organization called 'Big Trash Animals' in his hometown of Lisbon. He finds material for creation in the streets or garbage heaps. The former graffiti artist has also quickly gained fame in the street art world by creating sculptures out of trash. Berlin, Rome, London, Tahiti or Las Vegas - everywhere he got wide recognition.

Bardalo also completed two new creations just in time for the exhibition in Paris. Two of them exist hanging near the gallery. There could be no better advertisement for a solo exhibition in the French capital. His creations adorn an area of about 700 square meters. Many viewers are also impressed by it. Someone said, 'Really amazing artwork! I have never seen such a form of art. With great intelligence and ingenuity, real lifelike animals are created by mixing plastic and garbage. He is one of my favorite artists.' Another said, 'What are we doing to stop the damage to the environment? He feels he is forcing people to think about it. Like without knowing how we are harming animals. That is why we are forced to think about these things.'

Through this exhibition titled 'Paris Climate Agreement', Bardalo also wants to create awareness about the international understanding of climate change. However, this initiative is not enough for him.

Arthur said, 'In the next 20 years, today's children will take over the power. If they get the message I'm trying to send, maybe we can live in a better world.'

There is no doubt that Bardalo's 'Big Trash Animals' is etched in everyone's mind. That effect was not limited to the visitors of the exhibition in Paris, but also sent a new message to the world.

This post was last modified on মে ৫, ২০১৯ 1:43 pm

Staff reporter

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