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Two and a half feet young man at the door of the police for the bride! [video]

Kairana Sub Divisional Magistrate Amit Pal Sharma responded to Azim's plea

The Dhaka Times Desk Although there is a need for a life partner, not everyone can meet it. Such as the tragic situation of Azim Mansouri of Uttar Pradesh, India. This young man, who is two and a half feet tall, has to go to the police for a bride!

পাত্রীর জন্য শেষমেষ পুলিশের দ্বারস্থ আড়াই ফুটের যুবক! [ভিডিও] 1

Everyone's partner is not easy! For example, Azim Mansouri of Uttar Pradesh, India is not getting a partner. When his family failed to find a life partner for him, Azim finally approached the police to get a bride! Azim received some response from the police!

Azim is indeed a dwarf. His height is only 2 feet 3 inches. Not too old. Current age is 26 years. Azim is unable to find a life partner because of this short height. Azim complains that his family is not helping him in any way. So Azim approached the police.

Responding to Azim's plea, Kairana Sub Divisional Magistrate Amit Pal Sharma said that he will discuss the matter with Azim's family. The police officer said that Azim is depressed, but not mentally ill at all. Rather, he has more smartness than many others in the city.'

Recently, when Azim's video went viral on social media, many people also showed love for Azim. They also wished Azim well. Now he is hoping that he can finally get a bride on his forehead!

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