The Dhaka Times
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Moushumi Hamid in the hospital due to heat illness

He suddenly fell ill while shooting in extreme heat

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular small screen actress Mousumi Hamid came to the hospital after falling ill. He suddenly became physically ill while shooting due to intense heat.

গরমে অসুস্থ হয়ে হাসপাতালে মৌসুমি হামিদ 1

He was shooting in Uttara. He suddenly fell ill while shooting in extreme heat. Feeling very uncomfortable since night. After that he came to Lab Aid Hospital in the capital for treatment.

Mousumi Hamid said that he felt very bad shooting due to the extreme heat for a few days. At one point it felt too bad to be tomorrow. Then due to food poisoning I was also experiencing stomach pain. That's why I came to the doctor. The doctor has given some tests and will return home after they are finished.

It should be noted that in 2010, actress Mousumi Hamid became the runner-up in Lux Channel I Super Star competition. Then he entered the acting world by participating in the television serial 'Rashni'. Then in 2013, this actress entered the film world by participating in the film 'Na Manhoo'. However, in 2014, the actress came into the limelight with the film 'Hudson's Gun'. Then this talented actress also worked in Jalal's story, Black Money, Blackmail, full length love story 2.

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