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The golden wing warbler bird can be seen long before the cyclone!

To examine migration patterns, scientists conducted experiments on a flock of warblers in Tennessee, South America

The Dhaka Times Desk After researching the golden wing warbler, scientists have found a surprising information. These birds get a glimpse of the cyclone long before!

ঘূর্ণিঝড়ের অনেক আগেই আভাস পায় গোল্ডেন উইং ওয়ার্বলার পাখি! 1

After researching the golden wing warbler, scientists have found a surprising information. These birds get a glimpse of the cyclone long before!

A group of ecologists from the University of Minnesota in the United States was studying the migration pattern of the golden warbler. That's when this quality of these birds comes to the fore.

These birds are usually 11 to 12 cm in length. Weight is 7 to 12 grams. They are mainly found in Central and South America. But the warbler bird also exists in India. They are definitely green warblers.

These birds spend the entire winter in Central and South America. They migrate to the Great Lakes of the Appalachians in northeastern America to lay eggs and raise young. They come back again.

To examine migration patterns, scientists conducted experiments on a flock of warblers in Tennessee, South America. Their location was being tracked with geolocators.

But scientists were surprised when they reached Tennessee. The area was supposed to be teeming with warblers at that time. But instead the area was empty. For some unknown reason they left the area 900 miles away.

Scientists can figure out the reason for such strange behavior after a few days. Tornadoes moved in just after the warblers had left Tennessee. At least 35 people died.

They returned a few days after the effects of the tornado wore off. Scientists understand that those birds left early because of the tornado.

How did the birds know about the storm long before the weather forecast? According to National Geographic data, storms emit a type of infrasound.

The frequency of infrasound is so low that humans never hear it. But the warbler hears it.

They can see the storm from far away. At that time, the golden winged warblers were able to avoid the tornado very easily. This information, however, applies only to the golden-winged warbler, scientists said.

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