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Here are some ways to avoid dehydration during Ramadan

Dehydration during Ramadan is especially at risk for the elderly, children, people with diabetes and kidney disease.

The Dhaka Times Desk This year's Ramadan has been hot since the beginning. Due to not drinking water for about 15 to 16 hours, many people may become dehydrated. Here are some ways to avoid dehydration during Ramadan.

রমজানে পানিশূন্যতা এড়ানোর কয়েকটি উপায় 1

The risk of dehydration during Ramadan is especially high among the elderly, children, those suffering from diabetes and kidney disease. Dehydration in Ramadan causes some symptoms in the body. For example: excessive dryness of the face and skin, dizziness, constipation etc. can cause various problems. To avoid dehydration during this time, there are some things to follow.

# There is no substitute for water in keeping the body hydrated. Drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water between Sehri and Iftar. In addition, if you want to eliminate dehydration in the body, you can eat fruits and vegetables that have a lot of water, such as cucumber, watermelon and grapes.

# is good for sehri or iftar by avoiding extra spicy and salty foods. Because these foods create more additional water demand in the body.

# A recent study showed that donuts, pastries, or similar sweet foods increase the body's need for water. So eating sweet food during Sehri can reduce the body's energy. Therefore, try to avoid eating sweets made with extra sugar during Ramadan. Instead, you can eat sweet fruits.

# Almost everyone drinks tea and coffee at Iftar and Sehri. However, eating too much caffeinated food can make you thirsty more often. Moreover, even smoking during Iftar or Sehri can cause frequent dry mouth.

# As the temperature has already reached 40 degrees this summer, it is best to avoid the sun as much as possible. Because excessive sweating can cause dehydration in the body and the risk of heat stroke may occur. In order to stay healthy, you should eat enough water and liquid food at Iftar. Also you need to add healthy food in the food list. If you follow the above rules, you can stay healthy this Ramadan no matter how hot or sunny it is.

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