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Millions of fines for taking selfies, jail!

If you take a selfie without someone's consent or without telling anyone, the country has made a law of jail and fine

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to our chatter about selfies. However, this time a strict law has been made about selfies in the United Arab Emirates. If you take a selfie there, you will be fined and jailed!

সেলফি তুললেই কোটি টাকা জরিমানা, জেল! 1

Nowadays, taking selfies and sharing them on social media has become a daily routine for many people. The news of many people dying for selfies is also heard from time to time. But have you ever thought of the million rupees fine for taking a little selfie? Residents of the United Arab Emirates have such an idea about selfies.

If you take a selfie without someone's consent or without telling anyone, the country has made a law of jail and fine. According to a report by Khaleej Times, taking selfies of oneself or oneself but the selfies of strangers appear in the selfies, which would basically be considered a violation of privacy.

For that, 6 months in jail and a fine of over one crore Bangladeshi taka will have to be paid.

Noura Saleh Al Hajri, a lawyer in the country, said that the number of cases related to 'taking pictures' at weddings and private parties has increased many times over the past 3 years. So we have not decided to make this law so strict. Now it remains to be seen how it will be implemented.

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