The Dhaka Times
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Are selfies going to porn sites?

The Dhaka Times Desk Are selfies going to porn sites? Many are surprised to read such a news. But the story is true. So be careful about taking selfies and posting them on social media!


Selfie is a craze these days. Many people often take selfies and post them on social media. Many are encouraged to take more selfies and post them due to getting likes and comments.

However, it should be noted that this 'addiction' of selfies can also lead to unwanted dangers. From your account through social media, some depraved people can spread pictures or videos on obscene sites.

There is evidence that the events are actually happening. Just such an incident happened to a young woman named Noelle Martin. The 17-year-old girl took several selfies and posted them on the social networking site in the 'addict' of taking selfies like many others. But he had no idea that those selfies would be given to porn sites by a group of deranged people.

Australia's ABC News reported that Noel Martin found out about this incident while doing a reverse image search for a selfie on Google.

It should be noted that in this trend known as 'parasite' porn in the whole world, some users with perverted minds steal pictures from the profiles of girls and post them on porn sites and make obscene comments.

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